Haddy Ceesay
Professor Michael
Eng. 110
November 19th, 2019
Adolescence; (Identity versus role of confusion) and (Peers versus parent)

Later woman and african man talking with caucasian friends outdoor in the summer in the city
Most of us believe that Adolescence is stressful to get through and a difficult journey, but sometimes it depends on the way we handle it. The identity versus role of confusion stage is a turning point in human development during which adolescent from roughly the age of 12 to 20 years, try to understand and invent who they are by testing out different version of themselves in different social situations. The article, ‘Oranges’ by Gray Soto explains, Adolescence is the beginning of a challenging and transitional period. These changes occur both in the mind and physical appearance. being a teenager is stressful because you get through a difficult journey. However, at that stage many teenagers begin to experience things that were prohibited to them. Although after knowing what it’s all about, most of them stop because they know what is good and bad. At that stage they might want to protect themselves against dangerous things. Although teenager do adopt one either peers or parents, most parent authoritarian are rigid and punitive, and value unquestioning obedience from teens. Most peers are authoritative to them because peers are firm, set a clear limit, reason with their peers and explain things to them.
In addition, most teens in the united states especially junior and high school students frog relationship by taking some responsibilities on their own. The need to develop new social relationships and an increasing sense of responsibility and independence. That is to say, to grow up friendly relationships and improve their duties and be free. The cognitive ability that attained during adolescence may also give the risk to new feelings of egocentrism. Ultimately, then, my goal is to demonstrate that the new thinking teenagers achieve leads to the belief that they know everything and know better than anyone else. Again, they are independent in a way teens tries to solves their problem without clear thinking to the outcome. I observe group 0f teens from school or going to school in the subway. Behaving impulsively meaning acting like a kid playing and running in the subway, also some be pushing their colleague towards the platform. I believe teens do such because they think of the positive side rather than also thinking the negative side might happen accidentally. In additional, teens sometimes act as an adult by sharing important advice within them self in the train car by using reason and analyzing their taught in a correct manner and which others can benefit from.
“Adolescence Developing and Identity” by C. Stangor and J. Walinga, which say that, the first time a teen boy picks up a girl and walk her out to a drugstore, and ask her what candy she wants by showing some responsible. At some point he decides without deep thinking for the outcome. “After the girl chooses a chocolate he can’t afford, the boy says, I fingered a nickel in my pocket, and when she lifted a chocolate that cost a dime, I didn’t say anything. I took the nickel from my pocket, then an orange, and set them quietly on the counter”. In essence, the girl wants an expensive candy which the young boy can’t pay. He takes out the little amount of money he got and one off the fruits he was having, without saying anything stand in front of the cashier. In order to see how this relates to adolescent development, the psychology text explains, “Adolescents often seem to act impulsively rather than thoughtfully”. In essence, teenagers normally act without thinking thought it. Most adolescence do act impulsive meaning acting without thinking. Similarly, to the “Oranges” text by just telling the girl to choose what she wants without imagine what the cost might be.
Furthermore, the teenager rationalized ways to deal with his issue of paying for the candy. The speaker says, “when I looked up, the lady’s eyes met mine, and held them, knowing very well what it was all about.” That is to say, while he was standing wanted to tell the lady what he wants, the lady already knew and decide to help them before he even says something. As the psychology text states, during adolescence the child continues to grow physically, cognitively and emotionally”. That’s is to say, at this stage many changes occur like thinking, understand, reasoning and even feelings do develop. At the stage of adolescence teenagers begin to think rationally meaning using reason or good sense to do what they want. As the “Oranges” text demonstrates, he thinks deeper to find out the best strategy he could use, even though before he speaks up to the cashier helped him while the young adult was still thinking.
Moreover, he achieved trust from the girl as a result he feels egocentrism. At the end of the story, the says, “I peeled my orange that was so bright against the gray of December that, from some distance, someone might have thought I was making a fire in my hands”. In other words, when they got out of the store the boy removes the skin of a fruit it was so light in a dark day. At some point people could think that he was having light in my hands. To connect this to adolescence, the psychology text states, “the new cognitive abilities that are attained during adolescence may also give risk to new feelings of egocentrism”. In other words, the new thinking teenagers achieve lead to the belief that they know everything and knows better than anyone else. At this point in time of adulthood most of them think hypothesized that is using knowledge and fact to predict what might happen. This is because at some point the young man has his own believe that someone might think that he has light on his hands in a dark place instead of his orange. He was thinking everyone was concentrating on him.
In the final analysis, the boy in “Oranges” act in different ways one was acting before thinking as a puberty while the other one was thinking before acting as an adult hood. I believe it is important because at this stage you use the one that’s work for them. However, they are between puberty and adulthood therefore they use both in a way that they need it Some people might say that the boy in” Oranges” is behaving as an adult complete. Because if he was behaving as a teenager he would not how to walk a girl at his age. Moreover, would not have any idea on how to solve his problems in the store. However, this is not a strong claim because it depends on the type of teenager he is. Over all it is clear that the young boy act like an adolescence because in every situation he acts differently.
Lastly, I went to a school in Manhattan name path way to graduation, I can call it a high school because they conduct the GED program. The student’s age is between 12 to 21 and my research is based on that category. Most of them find it hard to figure out who they are, and who they want to be. Adolescent do end up confuse because of the different orientation they got from people, which might lead to role of confusion. Again when they ask parent instead parent answering the question they will be directing the way without any explanation of why they should do that. The example given to me by the group of teens was their parents be like our great grandparent follow this way of becoming a teacher or any other area depend on the family, from grandparent to us to you guys and any comment you might thing of adding they will say you are too small to change the family history. Instead of given them chance to try what they want to be. Although adolescent feels pressure to identify what to do with their life. teens be declining reliance on adult for information with a shift toward using the peer group as a source of social judgements. The important attachments of adolescents move increasingly away from parent and increasingly toward peers. As a result, parent influence diminishes at this stage, teens group conclude by saying the things they want to know is given to them by their peers.
Work cited
Stanford C. and J Walinga. Introduction to Psychology, Victoria BC, BCcampus.2014.
Soto, Gary.”Oranges” PoetryMagazine,www.poetryfoundation.org.may-01-2019.