For my research paper I will be speaking about police brutality all over New York City. People have been killed all over the world from excess force used by police but for this research project I will just speak about police brutality in the 5 boroughs of New York City. A lot of people have lost their lives at the hands of people that should be working to protect us. New York is home to many people that are a part of the Latino and Black community. These people are usually in the lower and middle class and these are the people that you see more often running into problems with the law, unfortunately.(why) People have been shot and killed because of a misunderstanding and lack of communication. (what kind) I want to focus on all types of police brutality including false arrests, racial discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse, unreasonable searches etc. I would like to speak about what kind of behavior causes police to act the way that they do towards some of the people on the street. I want to find out what is the reason behind the way that they act. I want to give New Yorkers some answers as to why our people are getting shot and killed everyday. It is not fair that people from the latino and black community have to fear for their lives. Even young kids have gotten arrested for something that they did not even do and also shot at. This is a traumatizing experience for both the kids and their families.
I believe that your topic is an important topic but i feel like you’re focusing on a part of police brutality that’s too small. Basically the only question you’re focusing on is why do police act in a violent way. Well for the most part we believe it’s racist cops and it’s probably why it’s always the latino and black community. In my opinion I think this could be easily answered. Perhaps you should ask more questions. For example you should focus on the rates (rates based on ethnicity, what borough has the most hate crimes etc) or on more questions like how we can prevent this type of police brutality. The professor in the email also stated that the research statement should be debatable, I don’t believe your statement is debatable. I definitely think your topic is a great topic to create a map with, for example, you can create a map showing the rates of police brutality in each borough. Don’t be discouraged and completely change your topic, with a bit more work done, I believe your research statement can be great.