Research Propsal

For this project I will be creating a map of lower and upper Manhattan, which shows the different stops on the trains where it is accessible and non-accessible for those who are wheelchair bound and handicap. In my map the stops on the trains without accessibility are portrayed in the time period of 1973, because there was a lack of laws that legalized wheelchair accessibility. The stops on the trains with accessibility are shown in the time period of 1990 to present, because The Americans with Disability Act ( ADA) was signed and passed, and gave rights to those who had disabilities, access to public transportation. Why I am mapping stops on the trains with and without accessibility because even though the American with Disability Act was passed, it is becoming difficult for people with disabilities to get to where they need to go. Also I want to shine light on the fact that the modes of transportations, such as trains are being designed in a way that is not accessible for the disabled, and this is defeating the purpose of the 1990 Act that was legalized.

2 thoughts on “Research Propsal

  1. Ana

    I like this topic because it has a lot of things to talk about it. Also this topic is something serious because it is true that a lot of train stops do not have the accessibility for people with disabilities. We all are the same, so everybody should have the same accessibility to go where we need to go. Been in a wheelchair does not have to be an impediment for people with disabilities to go where they need or want to go. I think that this topic is good because it has a location where she is going to show the differences of the train stops in the upper and lower manhattan. It is something good because we can see that is still some difference between the lower and upper class.

  2. Alex Johnson

    This is a Very interesting topic because a lot of the time handicapped people Don’t have the same accessibility to recourses and way of living the non handicapped people do. There is one thing in the proposal I disagree with, public transportation is in fact making accommodations for disabled people saying “ I want to shine light on the fact that the modes of transportations, such as trains are being designed in a way that is not accessible for the disabled” is actually a contradiction because there’s been the introduction of elevators in the New York Transit systems, as well as retractable escalators in Busses now that lift disabled people off the ground and collapsible seats they can move into if wheelchairs bound. I think changing the statement will make it easier because in my belief there is more evidence in support of there being accommodations for disabled and wheelchair bound people

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