Author Archives: Zarata.KoumbemOuedraogo

Breast Cancer

              Breast cancer

            The thought of having breast cancer is frightening to every women, and devastating to some. However, ignoring the possibility that you may get breast cancer, or avoiding the things you should do to detect and avoid cancer, can be even more dangerous. My map will show the prevalence of breast cancer in NYC.

This map will be useful In my research by showing the high rate of breast cancer in NYC.

Image result for breast cancer map in NYc'

                Many people assume that breast cancer is a devastating disease that may affect one out of nine women in the New York City. This year alone , a patient will be diagnosed every three minutes and a women will die from breast cancer every thirteen minutes. 

E.A. Graham, University of Texas Cancer center written in 2004 April 17 states that “ As breast cancer survivors often say that lymph-edema is more than just as swollen arm ” This shows that breast cancer can even cut your  arm.Unfortunately, there is still little known about the disease cause or cure currently the only means of survival is early detection by annual breast exam and education about  the disease. doctor Sylvie Polio written in 2019 it show that “a mammogram is the most reliable way to find breast cancer as early as possible”. This means that  by the time a lump can be felt in a women’s breast, it’s is usually bigger than the size of cancers that can be found with a mammogram. About twenty five percent of breast cancer are found through monthly surgeries exams and thirty five percent are found through mammograms. This is helpful to me because it’s showing that they rate cancers discovered increases to nearby forty percent when physical exam and mammograms are used. Women are argued  to do both.

           Educating women about breast cancer has become increasingly important. Recently an alarming survey conducted by www.america.cancer shows that many women have incorrect perceptions about their risk of getting breast cancer. Nearly half of the the women believe their chances of developing cancer were as much as fifty percent when in women thought that their risk of getting breast cancer was higher in their thirties and fourths when in fact the risk increase with age in many ways talking about the risk factors for breast cancer is a bit misleading and can give many women a false sense of security video YouTube new debate over breast cancer treatment due November 3 2018 shows how of the cases of breast cancer diagnosed every year 70% of the patients have more of the risk factors. This is important because it helps to understand what are the real risk factors and how they affect the chances of developing breast cancer. Most people argue that some of the main risk factors is that women should be aware of including family history of breast cancer, increasing age and any previous diagnosis of other breast cancer. White women’s family and genetic makeup cannot be controlled there are certain risk factors that can be modified in an attempt to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Many people believe women could prevent a lot of breast cancers with lifestyle changes.

             One of those factors includes being overweight. YouTube video Breast cancer screening the debate filmed February 28 2013 talk about how the numerous studies have linked on increase weight and height with a women’s risk of developing breast cancer. After a women goes through menopause, being overweight can increase a woman’s risk by weight and extra fat increase the production of estrogen outside the ovaries and contributes to the overall level of estrogen in the body. Therefore making healthy lifestyle choices can be good for a women of any time in her life. Weight control also ties in with the amount of physical activity a women has in her daily life. Exercise may lower a woman’s lifetime risk of acquiring the disease. Many people believe that activity reduces risk by putting on the age that a women has her first menstrual cycle and reducing the frequency of regular menstrual cycles. The decrease to the amount of the estrogen hormone a woman is exposed to many enhance to ability to slow the growth rate and to kill cancer cells if they even develop. The video also back up a link between alcohol intake and an increased chance of developing breast cancer. Overall women that drink an average of three drinks a day have a forty percent higher chance of developing the disease versus non drinkers. Those video supports my thesis and help to found that alcohol alters the way a woman’s body metabolizes estrogen. As estrogen level rise the risk of developing the disease does also.

          In sum, the important thing to remember is that having no risk factors should not give you a false sense of security. It is vital for each women to be aware of their own personal risk factors for developing cancer, and what they can do to decrease their chances with simple lifestyle changes. Women are encouraged to talk to their doctors and do their own research to further inform themselves.

The fight against breast cancer

The fight against breast cancer

Breast cancer is the first cancer in women in both developing and developed countries. My learning will be based on the following questions: first, how can we diagnose breast cancer in women? second, how can we prevent breast cancer in women? and third, what is the symbol of breast cancer in women?. In the United States as everywhere in the world, many women are dying as a result or because of breast cancer. There now the government of America must force preventive measures to reduce the rate of breast cancer mortality in women. Breast cancer most begins in the glandular tissue called  lobules. The fight against breast cancer in women at the national or international  level must be based on noising public awareness of the breast cancer problems because many women do not know overweight  increases the risk of breast cancer especially in menopausal women. In addition many women do not know that having breast cancer significantly increases the risk of developing a second breast cancer. However all women should understand that physical activity is associated with decreased risk off breast cancer. By sensitizing women  then will understand that age heredity women they antecedents but also smocking alcohol overweight one a risk factor for breast cancer. That’s why it is recommended to have a regular gynecologist follow up for all women. Through consultation the gynecologist maybe required to prescribe a mammogram especially if it defects an abnormality.

city of woman’

The chapter on “city of New York” describes the different cities and different subways.  The author argues  into visibility in particular around question of the native  woman on the inferior clan. The men have the honor and many of them have their names on the street and in museums.We  can see an example on page 88 , a recent essay by Allison Meier. She shows that  there are five statues of the woman’s name in New York  city. Through this chapter, I learned the different between men and   women .