Category Archives: 315D M/W 11-12:15

Research Proposal

The place that I will be mapping is in the Bronx area and in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The time period in which I will research will be the present, only to make it more relatable making it easier to digest the information. The map will be on barbershops and beauty salons, possessing their own location and their distance between each of them. Each shop and salon has their coverage on one another’s sharing communities, their sharing influences between one another and how each represent some areas of difference demographic either sex or age. Each having a forum for their unique voices to expressing in those communities. The mapped communities that I will cover are in the urban areas, showing the importance of these shops and salons to those neighboring communities around them. The subculture values are valued depending varies eyes that view them this is true, yet the family culture that is is built within these barber shops and salons in their respective neighborhoods isn’t measurable. I will be using google maps for most the illustrations of the maps that I will be using and the google for the basic research, as well as my own personal knowledge of having my own barbershop experience having the same barber for the past 20 years.

Barber shops and Beauty salons are cornerstones in certain community, because of the generational growth that happens within the shops and salons. Where mixture of families are cultivated and nourished with society influences, neighborhood love.

Research Proposal `

i will create a physical map that shows the stream of plastic that passes through NYC. My map will be a alternative of NYC showing the contaminated water passing through different cities. I will research the NYC coast lines to inform about the dangers of plastic. In other words many people don’t care about the plastic epidemic that is damaging our water and body. My map will alert the viewer on the hazardous plastic polluted areas. The problem is many  people of a lack of understanding the topic. Another problem is people low standards for the topic. The last problem is people unwillingness to take action. The objective behind the map is to inform the viewer. The second Objective is to persuade the viewer to take action. The map “Trash in the City” the author made a great map on trash, but not specifically on plastic. The map inspired me to conduct my on research on plastic. The author did good a labeling the trash in the city but didn’t explain the different types of trash being exposed. I believe its important to know the different types of trash and how some have more harm than the others. I plan to observe the different plastic in the water and how it affects our environment. I will conduct a case study, and model the different areas on my map.


City of Women reflection

In the essay “city of Women” the author spoke about the contribution the women had in New York City. The author argues that New York City is covered in men’s identities that many of women’s achievement were unknown. She talks about the fact that the works of women was forgotten or were never named.  She mentions the work of Allison Meier who noted that there are only five statues of named women in New York City. before that, only men were commemorated in the statuary of New York City.  On page 86-87 you can see that train tracks have woman’s name alongside it but were not mentioned. This essay showed me that not only men who contributed to the city but there are many women who also contributed to the city we live in.

City of Women

In this piece the author argues that city has to many male ideology the cover our city. As the author tell us  of the subway map of the city, makes notice of all the male name for all the stops. So she flip the script, replacing those names with the names of famous and important women from the city. When you look at the map on pages 86-87,  you can see that subway map stops have been changed into those women names. But that not significant, what is significant is those name there represent those individual women and their actually stops they used to travel from (their home stop).

City of Woman

In the chapter of city of woman,  the author  starts off by describing the  New York City area with the subways,  the fact the walls were tagged.  And when looking at the Subway maps I’ve noticed that there were alot of women who lived within the three boroughs of New york, which are Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the bronx.

City of Woman

Our class reading was very interesting this week, the author spoke about New York City but in a different aspect in life. She spoke upon how would the city or the world be if most national landmarks, streets, and statues were mainly woman. She provided us with statistics which shown that only 5 statute of monument in the city was a woman in power and the rest of the 100s of status where of man in power. Now what if all these national landmarks, statues, and streets were mirrored with the statistic of woman and man, would the world be different. If the man in power could be in woman shoes and constantly be reminded on how the woman is alpha rather than the man, how about every street they turn too which its name after a powerful man instead it will be a powerful woman. What would the world be like instead of having over 50th presidents of man and its woman she believes the world would be a lot different  Her essay was very interesting especially when she changed the subway map of New York City and every stop was named after a powerful.

Map Reflection
I believe that the main idea of “City of Women” is to explain transit’s infrastructure, also to speak upon promoting the awareness of sexual harrassment against women. The author wanted to imagine a world where woman are seen as powerful. This assuault occurs on our streets, but also shows up within our train stations. The map shown visualizes a world where women are appreciated more than men, signified by the stations replaced with the names of famous women. The author also includes facts such as there being 400 stations which have about 233 miles of routes, and how graffiti is also known as “wild style”. The author also adds the fact that there was a movement in 2005 to prevent sexual harrassment against women.

city of women

In the city of women, the authors argument is that women don’t get enough recognition for the thing they do. Women have, just an important role as men in are everyday society. My favorite part of the essay is when she talks about how most things have the names of men and that she made it her business to have women names of stress as well, because there as important.

City of women Jedidiah Lopez 315D

While I was reading the Book it talked about the maps and the city of women. I came upon a reflection which showed the names of women on the map and how they contributed to society and it had the train numbers 1-6. If I compared it to the other map located on page 90 it shows how many women were harassed and how it can affect our city. As I was reading it also the author talks about how she was observing how there are mainly monuments of the women, women doing and being successful and it shows it can motivate her to become just like them. It also shows how powerful women can be.