Category Archives: 315D M/W 11-12:15

Research proposal

New York City  one of the most beautiful and visited  cities in the world still in construction ever since. In the heart of Manhattan, where people are getting all big impression of the city is in construction with road and new building.

We already know that the improvement of the modernization comes with a lot of changes. for example, landfill are coming up with new design and construction for human well-being because of the impact the built environment has on us. For the last ten years, the remarks are that the city of New York changed a lot with design building. According to the “Next environment revolution” the city will continue changing because the population are growing, so there will be the need of places, buildings, playgrounds to accommodate the population’s well being, however, those need to be affordable for everyone or what going to be the purpose of those new building. the middle and lower class facing housing crisis because their income can not afford the rent. imagine homeless are everywhere in the city of New York and I think the cause of that can the lack of affordable housing. so affordable need to be created more .

Research proposal

I will be mapping about racial profiling. To give you a quick entrance on my topic I’ll leave you this. There are many questions about racial profiling that still do not know the answer, such as, how does racial profiling in the past, affects the present? Are there cases of racial profiling today and what are they? Why colored, different religion, different ethnicity, has a certain impact in U.S. law enforcement? Judging someone just because they have a different color of skin happens every day and affects not only the victim, but it has a significant effect on the whole society, indeed, public safety. It is basically assuming some charges based on no real evidence.Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race for committing an offense. Racial profiling is illegal, however, it still a social controversy, it violates the U.S. Constitution’s core that promises equality under the law for everyone. It occurs especially when an officer accuse people based on their race, ethnicity or religion without any proof of criminal offense. Racial profiling is ineffective as an strategy from the law enforcement agencies and an offense for the 14th amendment of the constitution which states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  

Research Proposal

In today’s society, many people are having a crisis as a result of complications in their life, obstacles or mental disorders which can affect a person’s behavior and their way of thinking leading to suicide. I will be mapping murder-suicide attempts along with New York City subways stations for the past 5 years. My motive to illustrate this issue in our society is that the government should be more aware of the insecurity, danger, and exposure of the people on the subway stations since anyone can jump off on the train tracks and pull someone with them or even bring variety of weapons such as pimp bomb furthermore detonated where there’s a large group of people, as a consequence this can lead to traumas along with delays. One possible way that the government could improve people jumping on the tracks is by advertising the risks of standing close to the train tracks before the train came to a complete stop. For my map, I want to print the transit of the subway and select every station when an incident like this happened, therefore, develop forms to approach people to be more mindful also conscious of the consequences from actions like this.

New York is a very popular state where many people come and go or even decided to stay and follow their dreams. New York City is known for its tall buildings and wonderful restaurants that people come to see and dine at. While the city has its positive side to it, it also has its negative side which is pumping out smoke from rooftops that is causing air pollution. Air pollution has been slowly increasing in New York City which is putting many of its residents at risk of becoming sick. The cause of air pollution is from rooftops smokes and vehicles and many more. According to an article, “By the Numbers: Air Quality and pollution in New York City,” by Jeremy Hinsdale, it states, “One important measure of air quality is the amount of fine particulate matter that can be found in the air. PM 2.5 are small particles that are two and a half microns or less in width and are produced by vehicle exhaust, fuel combustion, power plants and other sources.” This gives us an idea as to what is causing air pollution in New York City. When you walk on the street during a cold season you could see many buildings are letting out dark smoke from the rooftop which is not good for the environment. As one of the most popular boroughs in New York City, Manhattan is crowded with vehicles and many of its buildings and restaurants need fuel to operate. With extensive use of fuel we’ve created a big problem for us which is air pollution that will not only have a negative affect on us also the environment that we live in.

Research Propsal

For this project I will be creating a map of lower and upper Manhattan, which shows the different stops on the trains where it is accessible and non-accessible for those who are wheelchair bound and handicap. In my map the stops on the trains without accessibility are portrayed in the time period of 1973, because there was a lack of laws that legalized wheelchair accessibility. The stops on the trains with accessibility are shown in the time period of 1990 to present, because The Americans with Disability Act ( ADA) was signed and passed, and gave rights to those who had disabilities, access to public transportation. Why I am mapping stops on the trains with and without accessibility because even though the American with Disability Act was passed, it is becoming difficult for people with disabilities to get to where they need to go. Also I want to shine light on the fact that the modes of transportations, such as trains are being designed in a way that is not accessible for the disabled, and this is defeating the purpose of the 1990 Act that was legalized.

Proposal Jedidiah Lopez

Jedidiah Lopez

Professor Michael

Eng 110



The book “Nonstop Metropolis” shows different kinds of maps to represent different perspectives. For example it brings together musicians, artists, photographers etc. It also brings out certain problems happening in a certain area.All you have to find a topic and map its awareness in which I will be doing. My map will be showing all the homeless in New York City. The reason why I am doing this is because they are part of the community and I want to raise awareness for them, it can be hard living like that almost 78,000 are just living in New York City alone.They deal with a lot already as it is and they do not even have a voice in society because of their current situation which is one of the many reasons why this topic appealed to me. As I was walking home I would see so many homeless people on the ground begging for money, this motivated me to show how it looks on a map to see how many people in our own city need some assistance. I am thinking if I should focus on the borough I am living in or the whole five boroughs itself.  First I will be drawing a map of New York City or the bronx to start off. Then I will have a legend and draw the different areas in which a lot of the homeless live a different color so it can stand out. Then I would like to draw the different areas that can help the homeless for instance shelters, charities, programs and inns all provided to help the homeless. This is how the outline will look like.


Michael A. Cruz

Professor Michaels

English 110

October 29, 2019

The Cellphone Evolution Revolution

For as long as I can remember, cellphones have always been an aesthetic requirement and a life necessity. Since the time the cellphone first was introduced it has helped us in major ways such as being able to make plans with friends on the go, plan business appointments, call family and broaden our communication horizons. Cellphones have evolved quickly since their first conception and I can only wonder what’s next? We can already do things like Facetime to see and speak to people or Facebook where we can discover new friends and communities while also reconnecting with old friends and family that you probably don’t see as often as you’d like. But will there be a time where we will outgrow the actual device itself? Will Cellphones eventually become the next computer? I propose that we will in fact see these developments and quite possibly even sooner than you might think. We already see the usage of VR in video games like the PlayStation and Oculus so it isn’t too farfetched to think VR might become the next cellphone while Cellphones have evolved to the point where they work just as well as some computer systems. Lindsay Boyajian, CMO of Augment, was quoted saying “In the not so distant future, we won’t have mobile phones. They will be replaced with mixed reality headsets. These headsets will allow us to transition seamlessly from reality to augmented reality to virtual reality depending on our needs and the situation.” I think this is just the start of seeing the next advancements in our technology and only a piece of how the cellphone will eventually no longer need to be a personal carry-on accessory.

The fight against breast cancer

The fight against breast cancer

Breast cancer is the first cancer in women in both developing and developed countries. My learning will be based on the following questions: first, how can we diagnose breast cancer in women? second, how can we prevent breast cancer in women? and third, what is the symbol of breast cancer in women?. In the United States as everywhere in the world, many women are dying as a result or because of breast cancer. There now the government of America must force preventive measures to reduce the rate of breast cancer mortality in women. Breast cancer most begins in the glandular tissue called  lobules. The fight against breast cancer in women at the national or international  level must be based on noising public awareness of the breast cancer problems because many women do not know overweight  increases the risk of breast cancer especially in menopausal women. In addition many women do not know that having breast cancer significantly increases the risk of developing a second breast cancer. However all women should understand that physical activity is associated with decreased risk off breast cancer. By sensitizing women  then will understand that age heredity women they antecedents but also smocking alcohol overweight one a risk factor for breast cancer. That’s why it is recommended to have a regular gynecologist follow up for all women. Through consultation the gynecologist maybe required to prescribe a mammogram especially if it defects an abnormality.

Research Proposal

My research essay is going to be on depression and how gender norms play a role. Explaining what types of gender norms there are and where they came from. Exploring the impact it has on young minds to adulthood. How and why does it impact the workplace? How or even have these norms changed with the movement of the LGBTQ+ community? How the LGBTQ+ community has been impacted by this? My big question is: When did the need for gender norms overcome an individual’s happiness and identity? I want to tie this into depression in society. Mapping out where there seems to be the most depression rates and mental health facilities. The opinions I already have with no research is that while our time period has improved greatly on how society views gender, there are many things we need to work on. Like how in the workplace women still have to work harder than men to get to a high position. This could have a very straining mental impact on the way women view themselves, possibly making women feel as if they aren’t good enough. How young boys have the pressure of being strong and how showing emotions makes you weak. This could cause them to become distant, act out, and not feel good enough as well. While I’m not sure how the LGBTQ+ community has been impacted in the workplace my guess is that it’s even harder to get a job if you do not look the way people expect you to look based on your gender. I also know that the LGBTQ+ community is the community with the most depression rates. So I wish to shed some light on this and how we can possibly change this.